Did Native Americans See Living Dinosaurs Just 1,000 Years Ago?

Discovery_News_Paper_HeaderWritten by: Chuck Anderson of Discovery News

There is growing evidence that the “Ancient Ones” saw living creatures that we no longer see in today’s world!


Throughout the American southwest, more and more pictographs and petroglyphs are being discovered that indicate that the First Americans encountered huge dinosaur reptiles.

According to modern textbooks, dinosaurs supposedly became extinct over 65 million years ago, but many scientists now realize that these fascinating creatures once roamed the earth along with man. This is disputed, of course, by evolutionary philosophers, but the evidence is very compelling that dinosaurs and humans lived on earth at the same time… not too long ago!

One of the most startling discoveries that appears to depict a dinosaur can be seen at Kachina Bridge in Natural Bridges National Monument in Utah.

One of the most startling discoveries that appears to depict a dinosaur can be seen at Kachina Bridge in Natural Bridges National Monument in Utah.

Another fascinating petroglyph can be seen at the Wupatki National Monument near Flagstaff, Arizona. Park rangers claim that the artwork etched in stone is authentic and is about one thousand years old. How could the "Ancient Ones" have drawn such a figure without witnessing its presence?

Another fascinating petroglyph can be seen at the Wupatki National Monument near Flagstaff, Arizona. Park rangers claim that the artwork etched in stone is authentic and is about one thousand years old. How could the “Ancient Ones” have drawn such a figure without witnessing its presence?




One of the most startling discoveries that appears to depict a dinosaur can be seen at Kachina Bridge in Natural Bridges National Monument in Utah.

An unusual pictograph can be seen at Lake Superior Provincial Park in Ontario, Canada. Note the similarity to a stegosaurus dinosaur which had the saw tooth back.

This ancient petroglyph of an edmontosaurus can be seen in the Grand Canyon.

This ancient petroglyph of an edmontosaurus can be seen in the Grand Canyon.

Another Anasazi dinosaur petroglyph can be seen at the Bridges National Monument in Utah.

Another Anasazi dinosaur petroglyph can be seen at the Bridges National Monument in Utah.



Dinosaur and Human Tracks Discovered Together
in the Same River Bedrock!

Dinosaur and human footprints have been discovered together in the river bed of the Paluxy River near Glen Rose, Texas.

These tracks have been disputed by evolutionary scientists as “impossible” because dinosaurs were supposedly extinct millions of years before man was thought to have evolved. But rocks don’t lie!

In 1999, during a severe drought in central Texas more human and dinosaur tracks were uncovered in the same river rock strata near Dinosaur State Park.


To answer the accusation that someone must have chiseled the human footprints into the bedrock, heavy earth-moving equipment was brought to the site, and a section of previously undisturbed riverbank was carefully removed. The excavation uncovered even more of the human prints perfectly preserved in the bedrock!

To make prints in the same rock strata, both the dinosaur and the human had to have been there at approximately the same time before the mud dried and began to solidify into rock.


This article was written by Chuck Anderson and published in the Discovery News and reproduced on ChristiansAreUs.com with permission from Chuck personally. Discovery News is provided on a free-will offering basis.  If you would like copies for your friends, or would be willing to help distribute Discovery News to doctor’s offices, hospitals, nursing homes, military bases, college and high school campuses, restaurants, motels and truck stops, neighborhoods and many other places, please call the Editor, Chuck Anderson, at (303)564-7581 or email him at DiscoveryNews1@aol.com. Mailing services are also available.
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©2014 Mark Davis


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  1. J. Dell

     /  December 31, 2022

    Could it also be possible that ancient people a thousand years ago found fully formed fossilized dinosaurs?


  2. Nancy

     /  July 27, 2014

    Awesome! Where in the Grand Canyon is that petroglyph of edmontosaurus?


    • It is in the Parashant National Monument in the Nampaweap walk. They are all over in the half-mile trail on the walls of the canyon.


  3. PastorChk@aol.com

     /  July 26, 2014

    WOW! That is a masterful presentation . . . I am very impressed at how you put this together. Glory to the Son! Chuck


    • Thank you Pastor. All praise goes to God. I only pray that God will grant the readers insight to read them and understand them. This blast of articles that I put out (4 of them) have put my site off the charts – record stats already and it has only been a few hours.


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